Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package niceprofiling.v23q1#0.5.0 (47 ms)
Package | niceprofiling.v23q1 |
Type | StructureDefinition |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R3 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 0.0.1 |
Status | active |
Date | 2021-12-10T15:42:32.8386671Z |
Name | NICE-Patient |
Title | NICE-Patient |
Experimental | False |
Description | This profile is for sumbitting data to the NICE relating to the patient. This includes the patient's:
- Surname
- Maiden name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Wether the patient died in the hospital |
Purpose | This profile is used to submit patient related information to the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE). It was derived from the Nictiz Health and Care Information Model (HCIM; Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB) Patient, 2017 release version 3.1 |
Copyright | CC0 |
Type | Patient |
Kind | resource |
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "NICE-Patient",
"meta" : {
"versionId" : "6",
"lastUpdated" : "2023-08-29T07:59:26.6550409+00:00"
"url" : "",
"version" : "0.0.1",
"name" : "NICE-Patient",
"title" : "NICE-Patient",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2021-12-10T15:42:32.8386671Z",
"publisher" : "NICE",
"contact" : [
"name" : "NICE",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "email",
"value" : ""
"description" : "This profile is for sumbitting data to the NICE relating to the patient. This includes the patient's:\r\n- Surname\r\n- Maiden name\r\n- Gender\r\n- Date of birth\r\n- Wether the patient died in the hospital",
"purpose" : "This profile is used to submit patient related information to the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE). It was derived from the Nictiz Health and Care Information Model (HCIM; Dutch: Zorginformatiebouwsteen or ZIB) Patient, 2017 release version 3.1",
"copyright" : "CC0",
"fhirVersion" : "3.0.2",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"uri" : "",
"name" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"comment" : "The Minimal Data Set (MDS)"
"kind" : "resource",
"abstract" : false,
"type" : "Patient",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "constraint",
"differential" : {
"element" : [
"id" : "Patient",
"path" : "Patient",
"definition" : "Demographics and other administrative information about an individual receiving care or other health-related services."
"id" : "Patient.extension",
"path" : "Patient.extension",
"slicing" : {
"ordered" : false,
"rules" : "open"
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : false
"id" : "Patient.extension:Verified",
"path" : "Patient.extension",
"sliceName" : "Verified",
"short" : "Is the instance validated by a medical professional?",
"definition" : "Extension that is used to indicate whether the entire instance has been validated.\r\n\r\nEvery instance shall be validated by a hospital member / datamanager. However, this is not always feasible in case of automated submission of NICE data elements. This extensions shall be used to indicate the validation status of the instance.",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : ""
"id" : "Patient.identifier",
"path" : "Patient.identifier",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "type",
"path" : "$this"
"rules" : "open"
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "Patient.identifier:BSN",
"path" : "Patient.identifier",
"sliceName" : "BSN",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "Patient.identifier:patientNumber",
"path" : "Patient.identifier",
"sliceName" : "patientNumber",
"short" : "patientNumber",
"definition" : "A unique number for a patient in a specific hospital. This number saved in encrypted format in the NICE database.",
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : false,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Patient number"
"id" : "Patient.identifier:patientNumber.type",
"path" : "Patient.identifier.type",
"fixedCodeableConcept" : {
"coding" : [
"system" : "",
"version" : "2.9.0",
"code" : "PI",
"display" : "Patient internal identifier"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"sliceName" : "humannameOwnPrefix",
"definition" : "The prefix portion (e.g. voorvoegsel). e.g. 'de', 'van', 'el', 'le' etc.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Maiden name"
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Surname"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"sliceName" : "humannameOwnName",
"definition" : "The patientâs OWN name (includes maiden name if married). The name is always entered for both unmarried and married patients. Patient that did take (or took) the spouse's last name should ALSO enter the spouse's last name in extension.humannamePartnerName.\r\n\r\nPrepositions like de Vries; or le Faber; or El Abdel, El shall be registered in the family.extension:humannameOwnPrefix. \r\nThe first four letters of the surname are encrypted and saved in the NICE database. Therefore, only the first four letters shall be submitted.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Surname"
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Maiden name"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"sliceName" : "humannamePartnerPrefix",
"definition" : "The prefix portion (e.g. voorvoegsel). e.g. 'de', 'van', 'el', 'le' etc.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Surname"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"sliceName" : "humannamePartnerName",
"definition" : "The partner name should be submitted in case the patient is married AND has taken their spouse's last name.\r\n\r\nPrepositions like de Vries; or le Faber; or El Abdel, shall be registered in the family.extension:humannamePartnerPrefix. \r\nThe first four letters of the maiden name are encrypted and saved in the NICE database. Therefore, only the first four letters shall be submitted.",
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Surname"
"id" : "Patient.gender",
"path" : "Patient.gender",
"mustSupport" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Gender"
"id" : "Patient.gender.extension:GeslachtCodelijst",
"path" : "Patient.gender.extension",
"sliceName" : "GeslachtCodelijst"
"id" : "Patient.gender.extension:GeslachtCodelijst.valueCodeableConcept:valueCodeableConcept",
"path" : "Patient.gender.extension.valueCodeableConcept",
"sliceName" : "valueCodeableConcept",
"definition" : "The patientâs gender. 'F' means female, 'M' means male. These definitions are according to the Nictiz ValueSet. In the NICE data dictionary the code 'U' is defined as: unsure or transsexual (from hormone treatment). However, this code should be further broken down to either 'UN' (undifferentiated) or 'UNK' (Unknown)."
"id" : "Patient.birthDate",
"path" : "Patient.birthDate",
"definition" : "The date of birth for the individual.\r\n\r\nIf the date of birth is unknown, use 15 for the date of birth. If the month of birth is unknown use 06 for the month of birth. If the year of birth is unknown, estimate this. This field is used to calculate age at the time of IC admission.",
"mustSupport" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Date of birth"
"id" : "Patient.deceased[x]",
"path" : "Patient.deceased[x]",
"mustSupport" : true,
"mapping" : [
"identity" : "NICE-Datadictionary-MDS",
"map" : "",
"comment" : "Patient died in hospital"
"id" : "Patient.communication.extension:languageProficiency",
"path" : "Patient.communication.extension",
"sliceName" : "languageProficiency"
"id" : "Patient.communication.extension:languageProficiency.extension",
"path" : "Patient.communication.extension.extension",
"min" : 2
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.